#1. StatsD - metrics data collecting
- In your application code, use the StatsD client (e.g. Java client library) to collect and send the statistics and aggregation data to StatsD server;
- Not need to pre-define the metrics in anywhere, just place them into your application code;
- By default, stats data are aggregated and sent to Graphite server by every 10 seconds, so think this near-realtime;
#2. Graphite - metrics data graphing and storage
- Store numeric time-series data: The metric data would be stored into Graphite server (include a Whisper database);
- Render the graph for metrics data per the metrics demand;
- The pre-built UI dashboard is not powerful shown as below, but can easily use it to view the metrics data;
- For production environment, Graphite server should be running as cluster instead of stand-alone server;
#3. Grafana - powerful dashboard for visualizing the metrics data
- easy to integrate with Graphite to visualize the metrics data;
- input the Graphite HTTP URL to link to Graphite as data source;
- powerful pre-built reporting charts and dashboard;
#4. Sample Code:
- easy to feed the data to StatsD -> Graphite -> Grafana123private static final StatsDClient statsd = new NonBlockingStatsDClient("app.api-analytics.sample", "",8125);statsd.count("get.request", (long)(Math.random()* 10)); // Request count of this API